Class 2

Welcome to Class 2
Our Teachers are Ms Henriques, Monday to Wednesday, and Miss Taylor, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Foulds and Mrs Horne are our HLTA's and are also SEN trained. Our TAs are Mrs Gallagher, Mrs Elston and Mrs Barrow who are also SEN trained. Mrs Smith, who is our pastoral lead, also helps in our class too.
We are a mixed class of Year 1 and Year 2 children.
Morning Drop Off - 8.50am to 9.00am
Lunchtime - 11.45m to 12.45pm
Hometime - 3.30pm
PE Days - Wednesday and Thursday. Monday and Friday. Children are welcome to come into school in their PE Kits (plain t-shirt,  plain shorts or bottoms and a long sleeved plain tops) No logos please and navy or black bottoms, shorts and long sleeved tops please.
Library, Speaking and Listening Days - Tuesdays ( alternating each week between Year 1 and Year 2)
Homework Days - Handed out on Thursday - to be back in school by the following Wednesdays 

The Class 2 Novel for the Autumn Term is 'Old Bear' by Jane Hissey.