Class 5

Welcome to Class 5
Our teacher is Mr Stroyd, our HLTA is Mrs Foulds and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Honeywood. 
You can identify us with our leavers 24/25 hoodies!
Morning Drop Off - 8.50am to 9.00am
Lunchtime - 12.00pm to 1.00pm
Hometime - 3.30pm
PE Days - Monday and Friday.
Children are welcome to come into school in their PE Kits (plain t-shirt,  plain shorts or bottoms and a long sleeved plain tops) No logos please and navy or black bottoms, shorts and long sleeved tops please.
Bikeability will take place on the 12th and 13th March 2025.
Year 6 SATS will take place on the week beginning the 12th May 2025.